Here are some resources, a collection of places one could go to get information about different ways of improving the quality of life for other people on this planet. Feel free to link directly to this page from your own site.
The Anti Child Porn Organization - Fighting to rid the internet of child pornography.
Phisicians Against Land Mines - Protesting the use of such a horrid weapon.
The White Ribbon Campaign - Men against men's violence towards women
Falun Dafa Info Center - Fighting the Chinese crackdown on the Falun Gong.
The Nonviolence Web - Recources for nonviolent protest movements.
The Milarepa Fund - The fight to free the people of Tibet.
Suicidal.Com - Suicide prevention website.
Jubilee Plus - Debt cancellation for developing nations.
Sober 24 - Online support goup for people with addictions.